Thursday 9 February 2012

Blog Buddies

Every week there will be two different Room 8 children that will post something on the blog (with Mrs Hinde's help).  This week it is Georgia and Tiaana's turn.  They have chosen to write about our trip yesterday.

Yesterday Team 3 went to the beach and we had a fabulous day.  Once we got there we could hear the waves crashing.  First we watched a funny DVD then we had morning tea.  Then we went and had a look at all the IRB, knee boards, the big red tube, and the flags.  We played a game of seaweed on the sand and then we had lunch.  We got into our togs and ran out to the sea.  We played running relays into the sea and then we went on the paddle boards and caught some waves.  Some of the boys went out and caught the BIG waves with the lifeguards.  We both fell off our paddle boards. We had a great day yesterday.

By Georgia and Tiaana


  1. What a good story about our cool day. I liked the part when we ran in chains around the parents. It was very difficult because of the strong current. We had lots of fun there.
    From Maia

  2. Hi Georgia and the birthday girl...Tiaana! Thank you for writing about your day at Waimarama. When I read your story I couldn't believe all the different things you did in ONE day. I loved the action photos. Keep up the great blog room 8.

    Luv from Mrs Miller

  3. That looks like a lot of fun

  4. Wow Georgia and Tania this is a wonderful start to such a creative blog I can tell with 100% of my experiance of doing the same thing was that your classroom had so much fun like me when I went.:)

  5. this looks really cool that would be fun
    from Caroline

  6. REALL Cool story guys. Hugh

  7. Rowan {Tessa's mum}Wednesday, March 21, 2012

    great photos, lots to learn about the beach and water safety, fun for parents to be there too :)
