Friday 31 August 2012

Performing our Poems

One of our challenges this term was to present a poem to the class.  We had to learn them off by heart and speak nice and clearly.  Check out our poems below!

Hugh and Nasa

Liam, Jayden, Curtis, Josh and Georgia

Zach, Maia and Riordan

Josiah, Malena and Jazymn

Friday 10 August 2012

Special Visitor

Today in Room 8 we had a special visitor come and see us.  It was Miss Taotahi and she brought her daughter Sofia with her.  Sofia is only 7 weeks old and sooo cute with lots of hair.  We can't wait to see them again.  


Thursday 9 August 2012


Today a group of six children and Mrs Hinde went and had some fun on the Ipads.  Mrs Mcfadyen taught us how to use a new programme called Popplet.  We will be teaching the other children in Room 8 how to use Popplet as well.  Check out what we made below.

Friday 3 August 2012

Olympic Poems

We have been looking at an Acrostic Poems about the Olympics and decided we would try to write our own ones.  Check them out:

 O n the edge, ready to dive
 L eaping high as high as the sky
Y  ay I'm first out of eight
M y heart is pounding really fast
P  lease oh please I want gold
I  don't want to come last
C ome on legs not far to go.
S oon it will be over and I can get out.

By Kyra

O ver, over, over jumping the hurdles.
L istening to the crowd cheering me on.
Y ay I might get bronze.
M y legs weave me in and out.
P anting, panting, panting
I'm running hard out.
C oming first
S uper, I've won an Olympic gold.

By Malena

O h yeah! The Olympics have just begun.
L iving the good life, having fun.
Y ay! The starters gun went Kaboom.
M y race for gold has taken off.
P icking up speed very fast.
I'm New Zealand and we are winning.
C heering for me is my parents.  I can't believe I have won.
S o I am number one!

By Maia

O h my goodness I'm ready to run.
L eaping over the hurdles.
Y ay I won gold.
M y legs are getting so sore.  Come on legs not far to go now.
P lease I don't want to come 2nd or 3rd.
I want to come first.
C an I please get gold legs.
S ame as always, I got gold.

By Rosie