Friday 3 August 2012

Olympic Poems

We have been looking at an Acrostic Poems about the Olympics and decided we would try to write our own ones.  Check them out:

 O n the edge, ready to dive
 L eaping high as high as the sky
Y  ay I'm first out of eight
M y heart is pounding really fast
P  lease oh please I want gold
I  don't want to come last
C ome on legs not far to go.
S oon it will be over and I can get out.

By Kyra

O ver, over, over jumping the hurdles.
L istening to the crowd cheering me on.
Y ay I might get bronze.
M y legs weave me in and out.
P anting, panting, panting
I'm running hard out.
C oming first
S uper, I've won an Olympic gold.

By Malena

O h yeah! The Olympics have just begun.
L iving the good life, having fun.
Y ay! The starters gun went Kaboom.
M y race for gold has taken off.
P icking up speed very fast.
I'm New Zealand and we are winning.
C heering for me is my parents.  I can't believe I have won.
S o I am number one!

By Maia

O h my goodness I'm ready to run.
L eaping over the hurdles.
Y ay I won gold.
M y legs are getting so sore.  Come on legs not far to go now.
P lease I don't want to come 2nd or 3rd.
I want to come first.
C an I please get gold legs.
S ame as always, I got gold.

By Rosie


  1. I enjoyed reading your poems Room 8. I think we may have to give this a try too!!
    Room 10

  2. Wow i love your poems Room 8...Maybe we could use one as our class poem for Fridays in Room 1 !! Love from Mrs Potts

  3. hello rm 8 & mrs hind.i miss you guys alot.

  4. you were the best techer ive ever had.
